Dr Patrick Magovern






Dr Patrick Magovern is a GP whose practice has, for many years, focused almost exclusively on individuals seeking solutions for complex medical problems when ‘standard pharmaceutical medicine’ has not worked.

Patrick has practiced medicine in both rural and urban community and hospital settings in Canada and also in the UK and Ireland. In addition to the usual GP postgraduate medical training, he has extensive training and experience in integrative/ functional medicine. Whilst in Canada he was a coroner/ medical examiner. From 1994 until 2003 he was a clinical teacher with the University of California Los Angeles Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management for Physicians programme.

The best part of Patrick’s professional life is seeing people who may have struggled for years with poor health, begin to ‘really live’ again. He loves working with patients to transform a life of daily health struggle to one which once more has energy, fun and enjoyment in it and feels very privileged to do this work. Frequently people may have suffered quietly for years and almost given up hope: “Then …there sometimes comes the moment in the course of an individual’s treatment programme where they may say something to the effect of: “I don’t want to put a hex on it but I feel as though someone is opening heavy curtains and letting light back in to my life …….that the tide is finally turning after all those years. I now have energy until much later in the day, I am sleeping properly and I wake refreshed. I now can concentrate consistently at work and the brain is working again. I now drive without constantly dreading that I might crash into somebody

Nurse Kathryn Teehan the drummartin clinic teamNurse Kathryn Teehan. Kathryn moved to Ireland from the UK in 1997 and holds registration in both general /adult and paediatric nursing. Additionally, Kathryn has a BSc (Nursing Studies) from Trinity College Dublin and holds both a Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies and a Higher Diploma in Paediatric Critical Care.

Prior to joining Drummartin Clinic in February 2020 the greater part of Kathryn’s career was in intensive care as a nurse manager and team leader. Additionally, she is experienced in nursing patients undergoing general, vascular cardiac and plastic surgery, and in caring for cardiology and burns patients.

Kathryn’s nursing and communication skills, her kindheartedness and commitment to excellence, make her much-loved by her patients and a wonderful colleague.

What Kathryn likes about Drummartin Clinic is that “I love the fact that the presenting of a problem is not seen in isolation but rather the patient’s needs as a whole are embraced, no stone is left unturned, and there is a passionate commitment to getting people better and to helping them get back to normal and productive lives – to get them to, once more, enjoying being alive”.


Drummartin Clinic Staff

Bronwen has spent over 20 years working in the banking sector and in 2019 took time out to look after her family.

On returning to work she decided to take a career change, and joined the Drummartin Clinic Team in March 2022.

In her role as front of house administrator, she supports the wider team in delivering patient care.  Bronwen says “I am finding this role very fulfilling and rewarding.  I enjoy engaging with patients and seeing their progress.  I value working with such a caring team who have a genuine interest in each individual patient and their journey to a healthier life “.