We offer decades of experience treating complex medical problems - we are a ‘Medical Last Resort’ for complex, seemingly insoluble problems

Dr. Patrick Magovern and the Drummartin Clinic Team have  decades of experience turning around difficult medical situations when  ‘standard’ medicine has failed. While it is not a perfect record  the vast majority of our patients, who prior to seeing us have ‘been everywhere and tried everything’ seem to do very well.

We offer decades of experience treating complex medical problems – we area ‘Medical Last Resort’ for complex, seemingly insoluble problems

Dr. Patrick Magovern and the Drummartin Clinic Team have  decades of experience turning around difficult medical situations when  ‘standard’ medicine has failed. While it is not a perfect record  the vast majority of our patients, who prior to seeing us have ‘been everywhere and tried everything’ seem to do very well.


If you have new symptoms are worrisome get them checked out by your GP or consultant first.
Please make sure that any new ‘red flag’ medical symptoms fully checked out prior to seeing us to commence functional /integrative medical investigation and treatment.


If you have new symptoms are worrisome get them checked out by your GP or consultant first.
Please make sure that any new ‘red flag’ medical symptoms fully checked out prior to seeing us to commence functional /integrative medical investigation and treatment.


Our success is investigating and treating the root/foundational cause and is based on a holistic, total-body approach which also treats the nervous system. We assume that, if you are consulting us it is because you realise that, if the root/foundational cause is not dealt with, then the problem will smoulder and burn for ever and never really go away or get sorted out.


Our success is investigating and treating the root/foundational cause and is based on a holistic, total-body approach which also treats the nervous system. We assume that, if you are consulting us it is because you realise that, if the root/foundational cause is not dealt with, then the problem will smoulder and burn for ever and never really go away or get sorted out.

We think it’s best to keep all your doctors in the loop.

We like to write to your GP and/or consultant so that all three of us doctors can -co-operate for your benefit but you (and a significant number of people choose this option) can say ‘no’. We avoid prescribing treatments which will conflict with your ‘standard’ treatment. We think that the best outcomes for patients occur when you keep all of your standard medical relationships intact and cordial and not create difficult dilemmas for you. Remember you need to stay on good terms with your GP and most GPs are very happy for their patients who have failed to respond to standard medicines to seek another medical viewpoint and perspective.

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We think it’s best to keep all your doctors in the loop.

We like to write to your GP and/or consultant so that all three of us doctors can -co-operate for your benefit but you (and a significant number of people choose this option) can say ‘no’. We avoid prescribing treatments which will conflict with your ‘standard’ treatment. We think that the best outcomes for patients occur when you keep all of your standard medical relationships intact and cordial and not create difficult dilemmas for you. Remember you need to stay on good terms with your GP and most GPs are very happy for their patients who have failed to respond to standard medicines to seek another medical viewpoint and perspective.

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(this category includes Northern Ireland)

The medical indemnity rules have changed. Irish doctors cannot do telemedicine with patients who are normally resident outside Ireland. I can do telemedicine/remote consult with an Irish resident who is temporarily based e.g. I can have a telemedicine consultation one of my Irish-resident patients if, e.g. they are away on a temporary sabbatical anywhere in the world. However if you live in e.g. Copenhagen then you will need to travel to Dublin in person for your consultation. We ask that you arrive in Dublin on the day before your consultation in case there are flight delays. Northern Ireland patients need to travel to Dublin which is reasonably manageable.