Meet the Drummartin Clinic Team

Healing is a team-job:
To achieve optimal results, patients must actively participate in their own treatment and healing process: a collaborative relationship between doctor and patient is imperative. Without wishing to sound too jargonistic, patients need to engage with their inner healer.

Dr. Patrick Magovern
Dr. Patrick Magovern
Patrick is a GP whose practice has, for many years, focused almost exclusively on individuals seeking solutions for complex medical problems when ‘standard pharmaceutical medicine’ has not worked.
Kathryn Teehan.
Kathryn Teehan.Nurse
Kathryn moved to Ireland from the UK in 1997 and holds registration in both general /adult and paediatric nursing. Additionally, Kathryn has a BSc (Nursing Studies) from Trinity College Dublin and holds both a Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies and a Higher Diploma in Paediatric Critical Care.
Bronwen has spent over 20 years working in the banking sector and in 2019 took time out to look after her family.