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New Pelvic Bladder, Period Pain, and pain/ sexual Treatment Available at Drummartin Clinic


The Frankenhauser abdominal plexus injection has been used safely for almost a century in Germany. This is a collection of nerves in the lower abdomen/ pelvis and a good idea is to consider is a bit like an informational  telephone exchange for the pelvis, bladder and the sexual organs generally.

We have been using this injection since summer 2023 with very good effect. We really haven’t publicised it and so many people do not know about it. Discomfort level is generally somewhere between 1 to 3/10 and, on average, 1-3 treatments are necessary.

The injection can be extremely helpful for period pain, severe pelvic pain, endometriosis, lack of libido, interstitial cystitis to  name only a few indications.

Please click here for further information

Two minute very informative  video on You Tube by Ryan McWhorter MD – gives an excellent quick summary

I am going to reduce the expectations given in this video: I consider it works about 85% of the time  – NOT 100%  as Dr. McWhorter says in his video, All the same that is a pretty  good outcome  because most of the people who see us  here in Drummartin have been everywhere and tried everything” for their pelvic pain.

New Pelvic Bladder, Period Pain, and pain/ sexual Treatment Available at Drummartin Clinic2024-11-20T11:38:45+00:00

New back and neck pain treatments at Drummartin Clinic.


Neck Pain Treatments and Back Pain Treatments

Over the past 12 months we have introduced more advanced prolozone treatments for neck and back pain

We have introduced a new treatment option for patients who have exhausted standard neck and back pain treatments, such as physiotherapy, exercise, osteopathy, and potentially even neurosurgical treatments like nerve blocks.  The responses exhibited by these patients have generally been overwhelmingly positive. In our experience, prolozone has proven to be beneficial for many patients with previously unsuccessful treatment for back and neck pain.

 Pain in areas other than  neck and back

Our experience over the past few years has demonstrated consistently positive outcomes when employing prolozone treatments for shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle ailments. With the exception of the hip joint, not all hip issues consistently exhibit positive responses to prolozone treatment.

In contrast to 80% plus excellent response for the other joints named above  only 30% of hips respond positively what you need to do is check this : Can you put the ankle on the same side as the troubled hip on the opposite knee and manage to get your (lower leg/calf)  almost parallel to the floor? If you can do this then there is a fairly decent chance your hip will respond.

Neck Pain Treatments

New back and neck pain treatments at Drummartin Clinic.2025-02-10T16:04:32+00:00
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