Disorders which we treat regularly

Disorders we would be happy to help you with and where we expect a good to excellent outcome based on individual case studies
There are some mini case-histories below


  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Unexplained Daily Fatigue
  • Post Viral Syndrome
  • Long Covid


  • Post Stroke to help recovery (ozone has an excellent track record anecdotally but in Ireland awareness is vey low) – so we never get asked about ozone post-stroke
  • Cognitive decline
  • ADHD and poor attention span
  • Parkinsons Disease – (ozone and functional medicine both have a very good track record anecdotally but in Ireland awareness of these treatment options is vey low) – so we never get asked about ozone post-stroke


This works best when a family member also works closely along with us and comes to visits so that treatment is well co-ordinated. Now if someone has an advanced dementia then really we are powerless but if it’s a case of the parent beginning to ‘slow down a bit mentally’ and the motivation is there with patient and family then much can usually be done to help turn things round

Sometimes we are asked to see Mum or Dad (most frequently Mum) who is aging and sometime ‘losing interest in life and slowing down with lots of aches and pains’


Both with conditions like headache and migraine and also musculoskeletal pain. The exception is hip pain – see note below*. I wouldn’t stake my reputation on promising a good outcome on a hip problem

  • Headache and Migraine
  • Sinus Pain even if severe and persistent.
  • Musculoskeletal and Joint Pain ( we use Prolozone Treatment for many of the pain problems we see). Generally we get good to excellent responses with all joint s except the hip. The response in hip pain is less consistent – see note below.
  • Shoulder Pain, rotator cuff, frozen shoulder
  • Wrist Pain both for osteoarthritis and RA of wrist
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Back Pain (Pretty decent success even where standard back injections have failed)
  • Neck Pain  (Pretty decent success even where standard neck injections have failed)
  • Hip Pain – *Prolozone response is less consistent for hip problems – if, when you put the ankle on the side of the affected hip on the opposite knee, you can get your lower leg semi-parallel to the floor then there is a decent chance the injection may work. If not then don’t waste your time and effort on Prolozone for your hip – instead discuss surgical referral with your GP.
  • Knee Pain even as a means of deferring an eventual knee replacement.
  • Ankle Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Whole Body Pain e.g. as in fibromyalgia (this needs a comprehensive approach)
  • Period Pain and Dysmenorrhoea – usually a predictably odd response
  • Pelvic Pain– some patients struggle with years of pelvic pain whether it is a bladder problem or sometimes endometriosis. Some responses may be very dramatic, and life changing and enable things such as the resumption of sexual intercourse.
  • Pain related to autoimmune Disease Processes


  • Recurrent Infections i.e. the infection happens over and over again
  • Recurrent Tonsillitis
  • Recurrent Sinus Infections
  • Recurrent Chest Infections
  • Recurrent urinary Tract infections
  • Infections/Infective Symptoms which will not go away.
  • Long Covid
  • Influenza/chest i/throat/sinus infections which refuses to ‘go away’.


  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Persistent Itch /Urticaria and other skin rashes which ‘come and go’.
  • Dry/uncomfortable skin disorders


  • Allergy and asthma,
  • Hay fever and chemical sensitivity including multiple chemical sensitivity.
  • Multiple Food reactions
  • Light and Sound Sensitivity


Prolozone treatment for the prostate has been very helpful for this patient group.

  • Chronic Prostatitis /Nonspecific Urethritis
  • Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy


  • Unexplained Pelvic Pain
  • Endometriosis
  • Difficult sexual Intercourse – we also see patients who are having psychotherapy following sexual abuse who feel that they also need a body-based treatment for their pelvis because Frankenhauser technique can often be the missing piece which really starts to crystallize recovery.
  • Lack of Female Sexual Desire
  • Interstitial Cystitis Pain (In addition to a broad functional medical approach we also would often use the Frankenhauser Technique). We have had stunningly good results with interstitial cystitis.
  • Chronic/persistent vaginal discharge
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and – we have many consistently wonderful and heart-warming case histories of treating both PMS and PMDD
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) – we have many consistently wonderful and heart-warming case histories of treating both PMS and PMDD
  • Premature Ovarian Failure
  • Pre- conception health tune up and detoxification (allow eight months minimum please- I don’t want to be detoxifying people at the same time they are trying to get pregnant – its not the best thing for your baby)
  • Difficult Menopause
  • Persistent Breast Pain and Discomfort


We treat both underlying causes and work on improving quality-of-life. We do not replace your GP/immunologist/ rheumatologist/ gastroenterologist but will help you get the best response from your medicines and hopefully reduce the need for escalating drug dosing and recurrent steroid / crisis management.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Thyroid Disease/Hashimoto’s
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease /Regional Enteritis – we are consulted more frequently regarding Ulcerative Colitis than Crohn’s disease.
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Scleroderma
  • SLE
  • Non-Healing Ulcers


We treat both underlying causes and work on improving quality-of-life. We do not replace your GP/respiratory consultant.  Many people who come to see us have ‘asthma’ as an ongoing background problem and, quite frequently, over time they suddenly notice they just haven’t needed their inhalers in a long time.

  • Asthma
  • Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Dermatomyositis


Vast experience treating successfully treating irritable bowel syndrome, significant positive experience treating unexplained nausea, significant experience with ulcerative colitis, very limited experience with Crohn’s disease* because we are rarely asked to treat it.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Persistent or unexplained nausea

*Inflammatory Bowel Disease /Regional Enteritis –please note we have much more experience with Ulcerative Colitis than Crohn’s disease


  • Feeling Weak /Slow Recovery after major surgery: Ozone

Orthopaedic Leg wound not healing after eight weeks hospital treatment in a teaching hospital. Broke down within 48 hours each time the patient tried to bear weight. Treated with ozone (ten pass) and IV nutrient infusions on Friday morning. Wound closed and formed a stable scab by Saturday evening and the pain in the wound/scar disappeared. A few more ozone treatments were given so as ‘to be sure to be sure’. Wound did not break down again and has remained perfect and well-healed and the patient has resumed a normal life, once more.


Ozone can be life-changing.

Colleagues across the world report saving patients from planned amputations.

  • Diabetic Foot and leg ulcers:  Colleagues across the world report saving patients from planned amputations. Patients who had unresponsive


we have vast experience of successfully treating patients with these issues.


If the weight loss is due to cancer then the chances of success are much lower.  

  • Weight Loss non-specific or due to diseases other than cancer.


At Drummartin Clinic we do not claim to have any effective treatment for cancer as such

Cancer is a most contentious area medico-politically. Ozone definitely, in my opinion, has substantial benefit as an add-on treatment and is better accepted by oncologists in some mainland EU countries – try to get your oncologist on-side. There are some research papers you may wish to share with your oncologist. Throughout the history of medicine there have always been unscrupulous medically qualified practitioners who cynically promised magical cancer cures merely to separate patients from their funds. If anyone ever promises a sure-fire cancer cure then run away immediately.

Cancer and Toxins Detoxification of toxins and environmental chemicals can help theoretically long-term with better outcome and, at least theoretically, reduce the risk of recurrence.

For cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy:

There is good quality case-report evidence suggesting that ozone treatment will significantly reduce or eliminate the side -effects of chemotherapy.


There is good quality case report evidence that using ozone during chemotherapy improves tumour oxygenation thereby improving the patient’s response to chemotherapy

NB If your veins are very poor post-chemo then rectal ozone is NOT uncomfortable and can do a very nice job of helping.

More Information On The Types Of Conditions We Treat at Drummartin Clinic.

Conditions Treated Dunmartin Clinic – Overview

  • We have over thirty years experience of investigating and treating medically unexplained symptoms.
    Our aim is to find out:
  • What is going wrong for this person i.e. why do they have these symptoms?
  • How can I get them back to vibrant health and well-being rather than merely existing courtesy of lots of pharmaceuticals every day?
  • We hope that by finding out what is wrong we also make you healthier for the rest of your life so that you age better and have quality-of-life in your later years.
  • We do not replace your own G.P. or specialist.Please think of what we do as an add-on to your standard medical treatment and not a replacement for it.I work in parallel with your own G.P. or consultant. I do not replace your G.P. or consultant. Your G.P. is the appropriate and competent person whom you should first attend with any new medical problem.

Conditions Treated at Dunmartin Clinic

  • Before making an appointment: If you have any worrisome medical symptoms, weight loss, unexplained night sweats, change in bowel habit for an over 40, please do not immediately seek functional medicine treatment – the first thing to do is to see your G.P. and get his or her evaluation and advice.
  • Irish General practitioners are very skilled in acute diagnosis. So please first bring symptoms which need checking out to your G.P. before coming to see us.
  • In Ireland, the range of complementary medical treatments on offer is far behind continental Europe. The prevailing paradigms is very much a pharmaceutical one.
  • Irish medicine does not accept and, mostly, ridicules naturally based therapies including functional and nutritional medicine
  • The attending doctor has made a diagnosis and you are actively undergoing treatment,but there is little or no improvement in symptoms.
  • The patient is not satisfied with the diagnosis e.g. fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine syndrome, premenstrual syndrome,  or ‘depression. The patient wishes to drill down and find out what is going on biochemically and treat it at a causal level rather than purely medicating the symptoms.
  • The patient is going from doctor to doctor and feels they are not being heard. This would include fatigue situations, chemical sensitivity, brain fog, mild cognitive impairment, post viral syndrome  – mould problems will usually also fall into this category.
  • The patient ‘cannot take ‘the usually prescribed medical treatment. This will include people who have difficulties taking anti-inflammatory drugs, difficulty taking steroids, who are also intolerant of antidepressant medication.
  • The patient is complaining of symptoms which sound bizarre and may make the doctor wonder about the patient’s mental state and which may also make the patient doubt their personal sanity. This will include people suffering from unusual symptoms such as electromagnetic sensitivity/sensitivity to electric shocks, atypical  ticks,  spasms and seizure type events. Some of the symptoms may be referable to mould or to chemical sensitivity
  • The patient has been told: “there is nothing physically wrong with you”. This group comprises a high percentage of our patients and also will include a lot of patients from the ‘unusual symptoms’ group immediately above.

There are no magic hidden cancer cures. There are unscrupulous individuals out there who may tell you that there are magical, complementary cures for cancer. Yes some complementary therapies may be beneficial for some patients just as some standard medicine for cancer may be very beneficial, but there is no magical cancer cure which is being ‘hidden’ by the pharmaceutical establishment.

If you have finished your active cancer treatment and you want to improve your energy and vitality or if you wish to be investigated from the point of view of mycotoxins/chemicals/ toxic body burden, then I am very happy to treat you..

If you are actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy and would like treatment such as ozone then you must first obtain consent from your oncologist.

Do not think in black and white terms  regarding cancer: If I had a malignant tumour to deal with I would look at everything available  would never consider  heading  down a solely complementary medical route.  Always remember the best kind of medicine is the right medicine which may well be a mixture of both the functional medicine approach and the  conventional medical approach.

I would advise if you have a cancer diagnosis do a lot of reading, listen to your oncologist and then come to your decision. Medical treatment is almost never a black and white matter.

Clinical situations where I consider we have a decent chance of really improving your outcome and health status

Conditions Treated Drummartin Clinic

  • Allergy and Chemical Sensitivity
  • Allergy and Chemical Sensitivity including Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Severe Daily Fatigue,including
    • chronic fatigue syndrome
    • Hormonally / menstrual cycle related fatigue in women
  • Pain and Painful Conditions
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Unexplained aches and pains
    • Muscular Aches and Pains
    • Back pain
    • Neck pain
    • Sacroiliac joint pain.
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Undiagnosed Joint Pain
  • Hormonal Issues
  • Skin Conditions
    • Eczema
    • Psoriasis whether body or scalp
    • Urticarial rashes
    • Itch which just won’t go away
    • Fungal Skin infections
    • Allergic skin reactions
  • Ear Nose and Throat
    • Hay fever/allergic rhinitis
    • Recurrent sinus infections
    • Recurrent tonsillitis
  • Respiratory Disorders
    • Asthma
    • Post-infective /post-pneumonia chest problems
    • Autoimmune Lung Conditions
  • Digestive and Gut problems
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Persistent undiagnosed abdominal pain
    • Nausea which is unexplained or unresponsive to standard treatment
    • Long-term diarrhea, constipation, bloating, excessive wind
    • Anal Fissure
    • Persistent perianal itch
  • Autoimmune Conditions
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Ankylosing Spondylitis
    • Crohn’s Disease
  • Neurological Conditions
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Parkinsonism / Parkinsons Disease
  • Headache and Migraine
    • Headaches – non specific – this overlaps with brain-fog. “My Head never feels clear”.
    • Migraines of various types including
    • Menstrual cycle-related  Migraine
  • Brain , Cognitive Issues , Depression, Anxiety
    • Low mood.
    • Sleep Problems
    • Seasonal Affective Disorder
    • ‘Foggy’brain,
    • Depressive Illness where antidepressants have failed and other options need to be considered
    • Anxiety
  • Unusual Symptoms which raise some doctors’ eyebrows
    • Internal tremors (like internal ‘shudders’)
    • Sensitivity to electromagnetic screens
    • Sensitivity to electromagnetic shocks
  • Infections which ‘won’t go away’
    • Post viral syndrome
    • Patients who never quite recover their health after an infection
    • We are available to help with Post Covid Syndrome or ‘ long Covid’
    • Patients  who have been  treated for c.dificile  who have not made a good recovery
  • Recurrent Infections
    • Recurrent chest infections
    • Recurrent sinus infections
    • Recurrent vaginal thrush infections
  • Premature Menopause
  • Premenstrual syndrome /Premenstrual tension syndrome
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  • Perimenopause and menopause
  • Menstrual Migraine
  • Libido Issues
  • Vaginal Dryness unresponsive to standard medical treatments